Power Plantwebnoxuser2020-07-01T06:17:41+00:00 Project Description Power Plant Design, Fabrication and Erection of 30 Metre Exhaust Tower for 1500 Kva Cummins DG sets. Industries Design and construction of inlet / exhaust Louvers for 1000/2000 Kva, MTU DG sets. Industries Thermal Cladding for Exhaust pipe Industries Implementation of safety standards in wall acoustic treatment execution. Industries Turnkey Project execution of Erection, Cabling & Exhaust pipe for 750 Kva DG sets. Industries Stainless Steel Acoustic Enclosure for 1500 Kva DG set, Designed and manufactured for ONGC Offshore Oil Rig, Mumbai High, inspected and certified by DNV on behalf of GMMCO Limited, Chennai as per E.I.L Specification. Industries
Stainless Steel Acoustic Enclosure for 1500 Kva DG set, Designed and manufactured for ONGC Offshore Oil Rig, Mumbai High, inspected and certified by DNV on behalf of GMMCO Limited, Chennai as per E.I.L Specification.